- Nominating Committee
- Music Committee
- Financial Examining Committee
- Ushering Committee
- Communications Committee
- Flower Committee
- Missions Committee
- Memorial Gifts Committee
- Pastoral Relations Committee
- Stewardship Committee
Duties of the Standing Committees:
The Nominating Committee:
Consists of three (3) elected members. Prior to theannual meeting this committee prepares a list of those qualified to fill the various offices for which elections are to be held. It shall interview each nominee proposed and ascertain his or her willingness to serve if elected. The committee nominates a person for each office to be filled and delegates to the American Baptist Churches of Connecticut State Convention (ABCCONN) and to the Northeast Association of the American Baptist Churches of Connecticut. The committee report will be posted at the church at least one week before the election is to be held. During the year the committee will present suitable nominations for filling any offices which are vacated. The committee elects a chairperson from its membership and will meet as needed during the year.
The Music Committee:
Consists of five (5) or more elected members. Thecommittee is responsible for engaging the director and the organist on an annual basis. It will aid them in choir recruitment and in the planning of music for the church services. The committee is also responsible for any other matters which pertain to the musical part of the church’s program. The committee elects a chairperson from its membership, meets as needed during the year, and will present an annual report.
The Financial Examining Committee:
Consists of two (2) elected members. TheCommittee will examine the financial records of the church after the annual meeting and report to the church at the next regular business meeting. A written copy of this report will also be submitted for inclusion at the time of the next annual report of the church. The committee will determine that expenditures and investments made have been authorized. They will also check the general accuracy and completeness of the records. The committee will not have access to records which would reveal the identity of individuals making pledges or loans to the church.
The Ushering Committee:
Consists of six (6) elected members. The committeeattends to the seating of the congregation, receiving of the offering, and otherwise aid the Deacons and Pastor. This committee is empowered and encouraged to add additional members as needed. The committee will elect a chairperson from its membership and will meet as needed during the year.
The Communications Committee:
Consists of four (4) or more elected members.The committee is responsible for providing means by which the purpose and program of the church may be kept before the members and the community, such as bulletins, newsletters, and use of radio, television and newspapers. The committee will elect a chairperson from its membership and will meet as needed during the year.
The Flower Committee:
Consists of three (3) or more elected members. Thecommittee is responsible for providing flowers in the church in keeping with the season and the program. People who wish to contribute flowers for any service of the church should contact the flower committee. The committee will elect a chairperson from its membership and will meet as needed during the year.
The Missions Committee:
Consists of two (2) or more elected members, arepresentative of the Board of Christian Education, and a representative of the Emma Gardiner Missionary Society. This committee is responsible for coordinating the mission emphasis of the church.
The Memorial Gifts Committee:
Consists of two (2) or more elected members. Thecommittee is responsible for recording all Memorial Gifts and will insure that appropriate acknowledgements are given. The necessary information will be supplied by the financial secretary or the assistant financial secretary. This committee shall from time to time make suggestions to the church concerning the use of Memorial Gifts.
The Pastoral Relations Committee:
This committee will provide advice andspiritual support to the pastor and will nurture mutual Christian support between the congregation and the pastor. It may communicate with appropriate boards and committees or directly with the church, but has no more authority than an individual member of the congregation. The committee will elect a chairperson from its membership.
The Stewardship Committee:
Consists of two (2) or more elected members, arepresentative of the Board of Deacons, a representative of the Board of Trustees, and a representative of the Board of Christian Education. The committee is responsible for coordinating the annual stewardship campaign of the church. The committee will elect a chairperson from its membership.