Officers of the Church
Financial Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Financial Secretary
Duties of the Officers:
The Moderator: Presides at the business meetings of the church and at the business meetings of the Executive Board. The Moderator is elected each year. No Moderator may serve longer than three successive terms. A person may be reelected after a year has elapsed following the expiration of their period of service.
The Clerk:
Keeps a complete record of the transactions of all business at the meeting of the church. Keeps a record of the names and addresses of the members, with dates and manner of admission and dismissal. Keeps a record of baptisms and deaths. Issues all letters of dismissal or transfer voted by the church. Writes for all letters of admission voted by the church. Preserves on file all communications and written reports, and gives legal notice of all church meetings. The Clerk is elected for a term of one year. There is no limit on the tenure of the office.
The Treasurer:
Takes charge of funds and money belonging to the church. Maintains and keeps in a safe or fireproof vault the financial records, titles, and securities of the church. The treasurer pays out money as directed by the church or its trustees, and provides an account as required by either the church or its trustees, of the financial standing to date. All invested funds, unless otherwise provided for, shall be in charge of the treasurer, but shall not be invested by the treasurer without the approval of the trustees. The Treasurer is empowered to sign in behalf of the church concerning financial agreements voted by the church. The treasurer makes a complete report at the annual meeting of the church of all financial transactions of the church during the previous year, and gives reports as may be called for at any business meeting of the church and of the trustees. The Treasurer is elected for a term of one year. There is no limit on the tenure of the office.
The Financial Secretary:
Receives and records all offerings and deposits them in the bank selected by the trustees. Provides a statement to the treasurer and issues periodic statements to those who pledge to the work of the church. Presents a written report at all regular meeting of the church. The Financial Secretary is elected for a term of one year. There is no limit on the tenure of the office.
The Assistant Treasurer:
Performs the duties of the Treasurer in the absence of the Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer is elected for a term of one year. There is no limit on the tenure of the office.
The Assistant Financial Secretary:
Performs the duties of the Financial Secretary in the absence of the Financial Secretary. The Assistant Financial Secretary is elected for a term of one year. There is no limit on the tenure of the office.
The Financial Officer for Missions:
Responsible for record-keeping and disbursement of funds related to the mission commitments of the Church, as agreed upon in the annual budget. The Financial Officer for Missions will present a written report at each regular meeting of the Church and will provide regular written statements of the missions accounts to the Treasurer. The Financial Officer for Missions is an ex-officio member of the Missions Committee.